Human Error Taxonomy (RET) Group
Training: You will receive training in the class about how to identify faults in the requirement document and how to abstract these faults into related errors. The material for this training that covered in class is HET training and Human Error Taxonomy.Forms Download the Error Form and the Fault Form.
Error Abstraction: Individually, use the faults in the list of 10 Parking Garage Faults and the Parking Garage SRS document to abstract the errors that causes those faults. Enter each error onto the Error Form.
Re-inspection: Individually, re-inspect the PG SRS document, guided by the errors that you abstracted in the Error Abstraction step and guided by the errors in the Requirement Error Taxonomy. Record any additional faults in the Fault Form.
After completion of the tasks, email Dr. Carver (carver at and Mrs. Hu (whu10 at both your Error Form and your Fault Form. Due before class on Thursday, Feb. 4.
If you have any questions or concerns during the exercise, please contact Mrs. Hu and Dr. Carver.
Last Updated on February 1, 2016 by Jeffrey Carver